WE THE CITY, this year's Architecture + the City festival theme, aims to explore how cultural diversity and connectivity inspire and inform the built environment. With more than 30 programs strewn throughout the month including our highly-acclaimed San Francisco Living: Home Tours, there's something for everyone.
Each year the festival explores and reveals the many layers of historic San Francisco and how architecture and design play a key role in the ever-changing urban landscape. Millions of people flock to San Francisco — a 49 square-mile city with a population of more than 800,00 comprised of artists, architects, designers, storytellers, students, and more — each having our own perspectives — all of us contributing to the illustrious narrative that makes our city so unique. What connects (or disconnects) us? How will we reinforce keeping our city livable and sustainable?
If you're a native San Franciscan or a long-time resident, we hope that you will experience the city with new eyes — and if you're a tourist passing through, we hope you'll feel at home and be part of the ongoing conversations that will help us all understand how we can seamlessly connect the present urban community to empower a more deliberate, livable San Francisco.


This year's theme, is represented in the festival artwork by commissioned artist Amos Goldbaum, a native San Franciscan artist known for his iconic cityscape line drawings. "I try to capture the multiple scales of the city in one image, in one-line width. I drew this scene showing the confluence of residential, commercial, and natural landscapes."
Goldbaum's artwork, along with a curated collection of works by local Bay Area artists, will be on view August 30 to September 30 in the Center for Architecture+ Design gallery, 130 Sutter Street, Suite 600. Branded merchandise will also be available for purchase online and at festival programs. View more of his work at www.amosgoldbaum.com