Secret City Exhibition
On view through November 17
AIASF Design Gallery
130 Sutter St., Suite 600
Gallery Hours:
M - F, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
AIASF and the Center for Architecture + Design San Francisco present the “Secret City” gallery exhibition. How does the City, and its secrets, inspire artists and their work? AIASF and The Center reveal and explore alternate perspectives on the city of San Francisco in this curated selection of works from the following Bay Area artists: Jennifer Clifford, Dan Hogman, Henrik Kam, Daniel Morago, Yon Sim, Joshua Singer, Clark Thenhaus. Collective works from Creativity Explored as well as The East Cut Identity Project artists Terri Loewenthal, Aleya Hoerlein, Michael Osborne and Karin Soukup.
On view September 19 - October 1, 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Opening Reception: September 19, 7:00 PM
The Nave at California College of the Arts, 1111 Eighth Street
Free Admission (no registration required)
Perspectivas 2017 will focus on projects that explore and reveal the many layers of historic San Francisco, and will examine how architecture and design play a key role in the ever-changing urban landscape. Every day, San Francisco is filled with many people—locals, residents, tourists, commuters, and homeless—who each have their own perspective on the city. Each group intimately understands certain aspects of the city, while other parts remain hidden from the casual observer - the secret city. Projects are selected based on their design process, quality and/or impact.
Terrain Vague
On view September 22 - October 22
Opening Reception: September 22, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Academy of Art University, 79 New Montgomery Street
Suggested Donation (supports A+C Festival): $10 (registration required)
This event has passed and sales have ended.
The Academy of Art University School of Architecture invites you to the Opening Reception of “Terrain Vague” where recent graduates will be featuring their thesis and studio work. The projects explore the possibilities of the development of leftover, undervalued and hidden spaces in the city to uncover the unrealized possibilities of our urban spaces to serve a diverse citizenry.

Architectural Pavilions:
Experiments and Artifacts
On view now through January 7, 2018
Museum of Craft and Design, 2569 Third Street
This exhibition presents digital and handmade architectural pavilions by Bay Area, national and international architects. The work included in Architectural Pavilions: Experiments and Artifacts will transform the galleries of the Museum of Craft and Design into an immersive architectural environment, demonstrating a range of projects from small-scale models to full-scale installations. [DETAILS]