Elements of Deeply Personal Architecture
Thursday, September 22 | 3:00 - 5:00 PM
2620 Third Street, San Francisco
AIA Member: $20 | General: $35 | Student: $10

A light fixture reimagined from a reclaimed buoy and an 800-pound operable wall that allows a cook to hide her messy kitchen from dinner guests, these are two of many custom-crafted elements created by Lundberg Design as personal gifts to their clients. Most were forged in the firm’s workshop beneath its studio to knit the places they design together with the lives and stories of their clients–and to serve as the firm’s project signature. Lundberg Design is an artistic architecture practice that builds and makes in its Dogpatch studio and shop. Through their combined creativity and knowledge of construction, they frequently invent new ways to use materials and solve problems. The firm invites you to their workshop to hear the origin stories and design process of various fabrications from restaurants, businesses, and homes across the Bay Area. Moderated by Principal and Director of Fabrication Conner Wishard, Principals Emily Pearl, Gavin Knowles, David Battenfield and firm founder Olle Lundberg will talk about the clients, the projects, and the materials behind the most obscure, the biggest, the hardest to install, the one that just didn’t work out, and Olle’s all-time favorite creations.
Conner Wishard, Lundberg Design, Principal
Conner Wishard finds joy in translating designs and ideas into tangible objects. His background is in industrial design, boat building and architectural fabrication.
Emily Pearl, Lundberg Design, Principal
Emily Pearl has a background in sculpture and fine art and has been designing and crafting custom projects for the past 18 years in her native Bay Area and beyond.
Gavin Knowles, Lundberg Design, Principal
Gavin Knowles has been crafting sustainable places in the Bay Area for 15 years, including his personal home, gardens, and woodshop with his wife and two children in Berkeley.
David Battenfield, Lundberg Design, Principal
David Battenfield is passionate about the creative integration of natural materials in the built environment and has been involved in a variety of unique public, private and personal projects over the past 25 years.
Olle Lundberg, Lundberg Design, Principal
Olle Lundberg creates very personal architecture for clients with designs that speak to who they are as individuals, and to who his firm want to be as architects.